I've written for these brands and provided keen brand strategy insights. Let's get you copywriting that pops!

(I designed this logo for a pilot program for the state of Massachusetts--ask me about help with branding!)

From website copy to commercial scripts, emails to social media...we'll tell your story and generate excitement!

Need copywriting that makes people stick around?
Tell a captivating story.
You're at a party and it's winding down. It's late. People are grabbing coats and ambling toward the door.
But then, someone tells an amazing story and suddenly...
there's magic.
Everyone's rapt and there's rowdy laughter and a happy, warm glow. Before you know it, the people who were set to leave are in the living room dancing, their coats forgotten on a chair.
The mood changed. They're all in now and they'll be telling people about that night for a while to come. The good feelings linger.
That's the power of a good story.

And THAT'S the feeling you want for all your copywriting and content. People don't want to leave. You've pulled them in and they want to be around for what comes next.
Hire a writer who can do that for your copy. Get people to hang out a little longer, just soaking up your glow.
My name is Melanie Grinnell, one-woman show here at Thought Bubble Content.
Get in on this party...it's blowin' up!
I'll help you tell a magical story for your brand.

I have the BEST clients!

I cannot express enough how grateful I am for you. I can rely on you and trust you, and that’s priceless. THANK YOU!!
First, I want to say thank you for powering through with all the last-minute proofing for our market sends. I know things were coming at you fast and you did a great job keeping everything in order and getting back to us quickly. It made a big difference for us to get things out in time for print.
Thanks so much! I uploaded a ton of PDs last night and they look great! You’re doing awesome! Also, thanks for all the notes, catches, and new templates!
You’re the best!!!
Kind words from the Creative Team at La-Z-Boy Corporate Headquarters

Great news Melanie, the client loved the concept and we are moving forward with the commercials!
I’ll be sure to send you the finished commercial(s), once we have them done so you can see how everything turned out.
Please go ahead and send me your invoice for your work on this project. I was really impressed with all of the creative concepts that you provided. Excellent work!
Wow, lots of great stuff in here! I love your optional idea for Commercial 1B as well. I can see that playing into yet another commercial we could do later in the season.
I’ll be sorting through all of the copy you provided and finalizing the storyboard today. I’ll reach back with any tweaks I’d like you help with.
We are really pleased with this first draft! Yay, I’m so excited for this campaign.
Feedback from the co-owner of an agency I work with on scripts for some Ford dealership commercials
...and then, my favorite kind of follow-up a week later
My favorite kind of email from a new client...
In the time that Mel was writing blogs for the Entertainment® Rewards & Incentives team, they were the top 3 visited blogs in Google Analytics with thousands of readers. Today, they are still the top 3 and one of them are in the top 20 pages visited on the site.
Enough about statistics, let’s talk about Mel. She is a fantastic person to work with. She is organized, detail oriented and fun. It was a pleasure working with Mel and I would recommend her to work with any organization looking to write relevant
content with an engaging style.
Lisa Kuehl,
former Senior Manager
of B2B Marketing at
Afin Technologies
Feedback from the Marketing Manager at Kinetik, a healthcare SaaS startup in Queens, NY; I provided them with website copy:

Text from the Content Manager at Strive Creative; I wrote articles for the Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers Website
Again, phenomenal work with HenriettaHaus. A “successful” story yields a 1% click-through rate. Most stories don’t hit that. HenriettaHaus broke 3% on day 1, and settled in around 1.5% by day 2. Curious to see how it did over the weekend, but regardless, it was already a massive success. Big W on the 'In the D' front.
I got this follow-up a couple days later...

"Melanie’s writing talents, along with her background working with Sales and clients to plan and execute marketing programs, make her uniquely suited for developing a brand, honing its voice and speaking to its customers through varied channels."
former CMO
at Afin